Some of the Best Archaeological Sites to Visit in the Community of Madrid (and Surrounding Provinces) in a rented camper

Some of the Best Archaeological Sites to Visit in the Community of Madrid (and Surrounding Provinces) in a rented camper

If you're a history and archaeology enthusiast who also enjoys the freedom of traveling in a campervan, this article is for you. Below, we present a list of some of the best archaeological sites you can visit in the Community of Madrid and its neighboring provinces, all while enjoying the comfort of traveling with your home on wheels.

1. Complutum (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid) in a Campervan

Complutum is a fascinating archaeological site that takes you on a journey back to Roman times. Located in the city of Alcalá de Henares, this site is a living testament to the region's rich history. Here, you can explore a variety of structures, from cobblestone streets to public buildings and private houses, giving you a clear idea of daily life in a Roman city. Additionally, the site has an interpretation center where you can learn more about the history and culture of the era.


Located in the city of Alcalá de Henares, about 30 km northeast of Madrid.

Opening Hours

Open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00.

How to Make a Reservation

You can book your ticket on the official website or purchase it directly at the ticket office.

Campervan Parking

There is a campervan parking area near the site, about a 10-minute walk away.

2. Carranque (Toledo) in a Campervan

Carranque is an archaeologically significant site located in the province of Toledo. This place is especially known for its impressive mosaic collection and the Basilica, structures that have withstood the test of time. The site offers a detailed view of the luxury and sophistication of the Roman era, with mosaics depicting mythological scenes and architectural details reflecting the wealth of society at the time. It's an ideal destination for history and archaeology enthusiasts, with numerous opportunities for learning and exploration.


Located in the province of Toledo, about 45 km south of Madrid.

Opening Hours

From Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 18:00.

How to Make a Reservation

It's advisable to make a reservation online to secure your spot, especially on weekends.

Campervan Parking

There is a specific parking area for campervans about 500 meters from the site.

3. Recópolis (Zorita de los Canes, Guadalajara) in a Campervan

Recópolis is an archaeologically significant site located in the province of Guadalajara. This place is particularly significant because it offers a window into the Visigothic past, one of the Germanic tribes that played a crucial role in Spain's history. Here, you can find a variety of structures, from defensive walls to religious buildings and palaces, which will help you better understand the life and culture of the Visigoths. The site also has a museum displaying artifacts found during excavations.


Located in the province of Guadalajara, about 100 km east of Madrid.

Opening Hours

Open from Wednesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 17:00.

How to Make a Reservation

Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office or reserved by phone.

Campervan Parking

There is a parking area nearby, about a 15-minute walk from the site.

4. Segóbriga (Saelices, Cuenca) in a Campervan

Segóbriga is an archaeologically significant site located in the province of Cuenca. This place is notable for its well-preserved amphitheater, theater, and thermal baths, making it an excellent example of a Roman city. Here, you can explore a wide range of structures reflecting daily life, entertainment, and religion in Roman times. Additionally, the site offers guided tours and educational activities, making it an ideal destination for the whole family.


Located in the province of Cuenca, about 150 km southeast of Madrid.

Opening Hours

From Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 19:00.

How to Make a Reservation

You can make a reservation online or purchase tickets at the site's ticket office.

Campervan Parking

There is a nearby parking area that allows campervans.

5. Caleriza (Aranjuez, Madrid) in a Campervan

Caleriza is a lesser-known but equally fascinating archaeological site located in the picturesque city of Aranjuez. This place is unique because it offers a blend of cultural influences, from the Iberians to the Romans. Here, you can explore a variety of structures and artifacts that provide a comprehensive understanding of the region's rich history. The site also offers the opportunity to participate in archaeological excavations, making it an exciting destination for those interested in archaeology and history.


Located in Aranjuez, about 50 km south of Madrid.

Opening Hours

Open from Monday to Sunday, from 9:00 to 18:00.

How to Make a Reservation

Reservations can be made online or directly at the site.

Campervan Parking

There is a campervan parking area about a 5-minute walk from the site.

Archaeological Sites Near Madrid in a Campervan: Conclusion

The Community of Madrid and its neighboring provinces offer a rich variety of archaeological sites that are perfect for exploring in a campervan. Not only can you immerse yourself in the region's history and culture, but you can also enjoy the freedom and comfort that your campervan provides.

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